Armen Ra Surviving Grinderman
Armen has been on tour with Grinderman, and has already survived sleepless bus rides and the thorou...

Video: Theremin Ghost
We've seen cat costumes for theremins, but reader Matt Thomas took it a step further this Halloween ...

Thereminists, Get Ready to Get Your Spook On!
Like it or not, 'tis the season of oooOOO000OOOooo! Yes, Halloween is at our antennas again. Here ...

Etherwave On Stage With Linkin Park at VMAs
Last night in front of the at Griffith Observatory in Hollywood, Linkin Park included the cosmic vib...

Oscillate Mildly: Arthur Harrison, Noted Rockville Thereminist, Is Happy Busking
You know all about Art Harrison's theremin designs... now learn more about him in this article in th...

ArcAttack - Playing Tesla Coils Like A Theremin
In one of the more shocking displays of performance art we've seen in a while, watch as the group Ar...

"making music with just a wave of a hand" - St. Petersberg Times
A recent article in the St. Petersberg Times featuring Lydia Kavina. Link: Click here for the story...