Documentary To Tell the Personal Side of Bob Moog's Story
Waveshaper Media, creators of the amazing modular synth documentary I Dream of Wires has teamed up with the Bob Moog Foundation on a new feature-length film project. Electronic Voyager will be told through the eyes of Moog's own daughter, Michelle...

Lost Footage Found Of Bob Moog Demonstrating The Theremin In 1991
Chris Stack recently rediscovered some lost footage he took in 1991 of Bob Moog demonstrating the Big Briar Series 91 Model C Theremin. Many years before going to work for Moog Music as marketing manager I was a printed circuit board designer. I met Bob...

Remembering Bob Moog - 10 Years Later
Today marks the 10th anniversary of Bob Moog's passing. We miss him dearly. If Bob's work had a great influence on your life, we encourage you to help support his legacy by making a donation to The Bob Moog Foundation....

Remembering Bob
Today we remember and honor Dr. Robert "Bob" Moog, whose lifetime work inspired so many of our dreams. Bob passed away...

Updated Circuit Details for Clara Rockmore's Theremin
Adrian Bontenbal has provided us with updated notes from his experiments in building a re-creation of Clara Rockmore'...

Albert Glinsky Chosen To Write Authorized Moog Biography
Dr. Albert Glinsky has been chosen by the Bob Moog Foundation to write an authorized biography of synthesizer pioneer (and t...

Happy Birthday Bob Moog!
Today would have been Bob Moog's 78th birthday. Play your Moog theremins, synths, or other gear today in memory...

Google Doodle Honors Bob Moog
In honor of Bob Moog's birthday tomorrow, the Google doodle for May 23rd tops last year's Les Paul tribute by letting...

Who would you cast in a feature film about the theremin?
A recent NPR article pointed out that while the story of the theremin has been told as a documentary, it seems to be begging...

1997 Article With Bob Moog Republished on Moog Website
Moog Music has just published an article from November 17, 1997 in which Bob Moog speaks to gANK ma...