World's largest Pac Man gets his theremin on!
The whole world has Pac Man fever these days, and thereminists are no exception. A big thanks to Th...
Squaremin: Infra-Red Theremin in a Box
Nick Hardeman has a fun Do-It-Yourself project on his blog for building a theremin-like instrument u...
Eat My Theremin, Please...
Photo: Engadget JapaneseThomas Ricker at Engadget reported today on a Japanese product researchcompa...
Apple Files For Patent Of Theremin-Like Control Interface
As we all know, capacitive sensing is a well known technology. Leon Theremin postulated it would be...
Be a Human Theremin!
Just in time for Halloween, NerdKits has released a video and kit that can turn a normal nerd into a...
iPhone 4 Gyro Gesture Music App
An iTheremin in the palm of your hand. The iPhone 4's improved gyroscope and gesture sensors inspire...
Ballerina Sound Generators
Am filing this under theremin like, it feels theremin related. Or at least sounds reminiscent of the...
The Teletron: A Mind Controlled Synthesizer
I'm not sure how I feel about this device being called a theremin, but that doesn't mean it's not co...
Controlling Csound With A Photo Theremin
Photo theremins are well known in our circles for being closer to the novelty side of the spectrum o...
Roundup: Theremin Apps For The iPhone
With its accelerometer, digital compass, and sound generation capabilities, the iPhone has become a popular platform for theremin simulator applications. Rather than making you navigate the iTunes store for each app yourself, we've put together a round-up...