Moldover CD case with built-in optical theremin
Score another one for originality and creative genius inspired by the theremin! Moldover has releas...
Build the Squaremin - An Optical Theremin
Here's a fun twist on the theremin that looks to be fairly easy to build too. ...
The Physical Sequencer - Thereminspiration?
We're pretty sure the idea of creating music by dancing all started with Leon Theremin's Terpistone....
iPhone, iSynth, iTouch, iBot...
OK this is not a theremin, and you must touch it to play it. But BeBot is one of the richest synthes...
ooo00OO00oooWeeee - WII Theremin
Have no doubt, Lev and the Theremin continue to inspire more Space Controlled Devices, and some fun ...
Stimulating the Aether-Conomy: Electro-Faustus
Times are really bad all around. And just imagine being a Theremin or alternative electronics build...
This Theremin-Cello Could Be Yours!
TW member sidecars is, if you can believe it, selling his Theremin-Cello.It was built by Floyd Engel...
Thereminist's Cup Of Tea: ThereMug
Kyle McDonaldThis has been around a while, Kyle McDonald's ThereMug is still a welcome cup on a cold...
Fleeting Fame Spreads Thereminization
Congratulations to ThereminWorld member MarbleMad on hitting the youtube home page yesterday withhi...
New Device for Touchless Summer Jams - Solar Module
Adding to his impressive list of futuristic music devices (Sonar*Axe, Super Synth Drums, etc.), Tony...