Leon Theremin: August 27, 1896 - November 3, 1993
Today we remember Leon Theremin. What started out as a simple science experiment opened doors for Theremin to travel the world and spend a decade in New York. It also brought the attention of the Soviet state which resulted in years of indentured service...

Lost Footage Found Of Bob Moog Demonstrating The Theremin In 1991
Chris Stack recently rediscovered some lost footage he took in 1991 of Bob Moog demonstrating the Big Briar Series 91 Model C Theremin. Many years before going to work for Moog Music as marketing manager I was a printed circuit board designer. I met Bob...

Remembering Bob Moog - 10 Years Later
Today marks the 10th anniversary of Bob Moog's passing. We miss him dearly. If Bob's work had a great influence on your life, we encourage you to help support his legacy by making a donation to The Bob Moog Foundation....

Missing Footage of Leon Theremin Visit to Stanford Found
A recently discovered VHS tape turned out to be missing footage of a concert from Leon Theremin's 1991 visit to Stanford University. Theremin performed Moscow Nights in the concert, though in hindsight the theme from The Lost Weekend might have been...

CIA Declassifies Article on Leon Theremin
Mother Jones magazine recently published a story about 250 declassified articles from an internal CIA magazine. Among their 10 favorite articles was a real gem for theremin enthusiasts: an 11 page article on Leon Theremin. The article...

Happy Birthday Leon Theremin!
As Lydia Kavina explained on Facebook this morning, Leon Theremin often joked that his name read backwards in Russian meant "not dying". And so, he lives on in our hearts and provides ongoing inspiration to never let the theremin "die". The detail...

Happy Birthday Barbara Buchholz
Today would have been Barbara Buchholz's birthday. Sadly she passed away last year. Barbara was an amazing musician with a diverse repertoire. Not only was she an excellent Thereminist, but she also brought a unique visual aspect to her...

Original Instrument Built by Leon Theremin For Sale
Retro Fret has recently posted for sale an original theremin built by Leon Theremin himself! According to the listing,...

Remembering Leon Theremin 20 Years Later
Today marks the 20th anniversary of Leon Theremin's passing. The great man who brought us the instrument we know and l...

Rare Recording Of "La Croix Sonore" On Auction
To be honest, I had not heard much about La Croix Sonore (or "Sonorous Cross") until today, and I am now intrigued...